Friday, December 24, 2010

Sleigh Bells ring are ya listening….

It is snowing!! We have not had a white Christmas since…. well I don’t remember when. But it is looking as if we may now.

Today was spent going to grandma, and grandpas house, for breakfast and dinner. Tomorrow I will be cooking but just for us. We always stay home on Christmas day. The kids want to stay home to play with their gifts, we want to stay home where it is warm!!

Although I have had to rewrap some of the gifts under the tree. We had a mouse in the house, and we have a little Silke dog, that just so happens to think she is part cat. She decided to try and help the kids try to figure out what some of the gifts are! In her hot persuit of the fat mouse she decided to chase the little booger into the presents where she ripped and shredded paper…but the mouse was unharmed……in the spirit of a true Griswold Christmas what more could one ask for! (sorry I have a thang for Christmas Vacation, you know the one with Chevy Chase)

Yesterday was “Decorate –sugar –cookie- day-since- mom-slaved-in-the-kitchen-all-day-to-make-cookies”!  I love make cookies and then we all sit down to get just as much icing all over the table and ourselves as we do the cookies!

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And then here we have Matilda the Gingerbread Girl…..she thought she was hiding in my paper whites…..for now she is in protective custody do to being on the “Too cute to eat” list!

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And this one no one would have a chance to resist do to…

1. its a cookie

2. a 9 year old boy (my baby) made it

3. it is also posing as a mixture of melted ice cream with sprinkles!!! YUM!

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P.s.   WARNING… many cookies were harmed in the making of this blog post due to an overwhelming increase in appetites….

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Just a couple of my favorite Christmas ornaments on our tree…

Wishing anyone out there? a many blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of November

Hard to believe it is already the end of November. Thanksgiving is gone, Christmas already on its way. The end of another college semester for myself (as I start to prepare for finals). January will be the end of Bailey having a mouth full of gnarly crooked teeth. Time flies……how cliché is That!

Many ends are coming but where there is an end… leaves room for beginnings…. A few of my favorite pictures from 2010…DSC_4783 copy

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Ok I really have way to many favorites….

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Been busy  just now posting the boys first day of school pics. My camera is loaded full of pictures and I have just now started going through them. Pitiful..I know…


DSC_4477 copy DSC_4483 copy Tyler's first day in middle school. Now a big ol’ 6th grader!


Bye flip flop season…I'm gona miss you….DSC_4529 copy DSC_4679 copy DSC_4680 copy DSC_4681 copy Tyler Jarrell  2010  Tyler and Bailey at Wappapello Park DSC_4712 copy Wappapello Lake Fall 2010

Tonight headed to go see Hee Haw at the Rogers. Getting bonus points for one of my classes, for attending. Hope its  good…

Next Saturday going to go see the Nutcracker. I'm looking forward to that one, I know it will be good!

I have been staring at homework most of the day. I have a speech to give in class on Thursday, and a test in another class as well. The end of the semester is near, so the hw is piling on. And I'm trying to figure out when I am going to have a chance to study for the finals, as well as getting ready for the RN entrance exam in March!! NO pressure!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Still here….

Been a while since I have done a post. Life happens huh! Everyday! Past the midterm point in classes, now is when they really start piling on the studies. I have approx. three semesters left then I will graduate!! Yea, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In March I sit for the RN entrance exam. This coming spring semester all my general ed.  will be done. Been in college now for 2 years. Sure doesn't seem like it has been that long.

We have been remodeling the house as well. Yesterday a warm fall breeze was blowing and we opened all four of the French doors, what a great breeze and the sound of the fall leaves blowing outside was most awesome!

Our chicks we bought in the fall, suppose to be all hens, but what do we hear coming out of the hen house…EEERRRRERRRRR…. yep that was a rooster crow… ow but not just one…TWO!!  I sure hope they can get along, if not one is gona become chicken and dumplings! We ordered all  hens but yet we also got two roosters in the mix. Love hearing a roosters crow, I just hope they will get along, and not fight over all those ladies…there's plenty to go around boys!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fall happenings..

Bought a pontoon boat on our last camping trip on Aug 23…our first boat.

Ordered baby chicks,25 to be exact from McMurray Hatchery

Tyler's in band for 6th grade and is going to play drums. So we had to rent his instrument for now..but he starts on bells and works up to playing the drums, he is excited, we woke up this morning to the sound of him playing the bells…thank goodness it isn't the drums just yet ;)

we went out on the boat yesterday from 9:30am to 4:20, and the lake is way down so everyone was swimming on the sand bar out in the middle, including us. it was a hopping place.

I’m suppose to be studying my algebra, but I can’t focus till I do this!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

School anxiety ….

I can feel the end of summer anxiety rearing its ugly, ugly head!! What do I want to do before school starts back on the 17th… what do I need to get done before that day gets here!!

It is RUSHING in at Nano speeds…

I go back to college the 17th, the boys go back to school the 18th!!

Homework stress will soon be here….

Right now have apples from off our apple trees on the dehydrator, yum!!  (no pics feeling lazy)

We went to the Puxico Homecoming last night, it was hot, Bailey rode the mechanical bull, that was a hoot!!

Had a funnel cake…. $5.00 bucks for a funnel cake!! And they are shrinking!! LOL

And the squaredance band was there in full swing and they started playing Boil the Cabbages on the fiddles…… and I was like

Dude, I know how to totally play that on my violin”!!  COOL BEANS

and so can Bailey!!  Bailey was like… “We totally need to get up there and play that”!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vacation gone….

Time flies when your having fun! How cliché' is that! From the 29th to the 2nd we went to Branson, again!! I had to tell hubby that we are going somewhere new next year!!

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Not that I dont love pigging out at the Krispy Kreme, everytime we we seen this light on… but I dont know how much more my waistband could take it!!

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Or his…

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This is just tooooo hard to pass by….

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Please excuse these here children.. with them standing by the General Lee and me telling them to smile at the same time was just to much for them to take.. hence the facial expressions…

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Cool place…course I guess it has to be so the peeps dont melt..ha ha

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King Kong has came to visit them.. fortunately he is NOT made of wax.. can you imagine the mess he would make melting!!

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Fog down by The Landing… not a really bad pic!

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This is after the fog lifted.. we ate  dinner here, and dinner here another night, VERY good food!!

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Tyler standing in front of the building… I told him to smile… I got nuthin’  lol


Bailey too… I got the cheese grin from him… boys!!

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I love this pic.. I have that song… “sitting on the dock by the bay” running through my head….     (Bay and Jimmy)

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another foggy pic..

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Yep.. we rode this…umm NOT.. we were totally wusses! This was at Silver Dollar City. We did ride a roller coaster though it was called Thunderation.

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Dr. Yank M. Wrightout… haha!! One of the many amusing signs at Silver Dollar City.

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Barn swing makes your knees knock!!

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The boys right there in front… we were working up to the “real” rollercoasters!!

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MOM!! No more pictures… but see him peeking, I know he really like me taking pictures!!

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Amphitheatre at Silver Dollar City! The GAC was there, it was great show!

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On our way home we stopped and seen this….

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Violin concert…music to our ears

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We had our violin concert yesterday. What a blast…of nerves that is! And what fun.

Here is a couple of group shots of I’m in because hubby took the pic, the other I’m not in cause well I was manning the camera!

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Not in… as there was many not in..some had to leave right after the concert.

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Many of the adults not in the pic, I in this one though! We have so much fun in our little orchestra group!!

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Earlier in the week we went on a road trip to Hawn Park, nice place, but it sure would be a long way to pull the camper!!

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Its nice to be home for a while..this weekend had been crazy busy!

Friday-  violin practice, Went and seen Toy Story 3

Saturday- swimming, then BBQ to go too, then violin practice,  then watched truck pulls didn’t hear them though had fingers in ears!!

Sunday- church, violin practice, then the violin concert