Friday, December 24, 2010

Sleigh Bells ring are ya listening….

It is snowing!! We have not had a white Christmas since…. well I don’t remember when. But it is looking as if we may now.

Today was spent going to grandma, and grandpas house, for breakfast and dinner. Tomorrow I will be cooking but just for us. We always stay home on Christmas day. The kids want to stay home to play with their gifts, we want to stay home where it is warm!!

Although I have had to rewrap some of the gifts under the tree. We had a mouse in the house, and we have a little Silke dog, that just so happens to think she is part cat. She decided to try and help the kids try to figure out what some of the gifts are! In her hot persuit of the fat mouse she decided to chase the little booger into the presents where she ripped and shredded paper…but the mouse was unharmed……in the spirit of a true Griswold Christmas what more could one ask for! (sorry I have a thang for Christmas Vacation, you know the one with Chevy Chase)

Yesterday was “Decorate –sugar –cookie- day-since- mom-slaved-in-the-kitchen-all-day-to-make-cookies”!  I love make cookies and then we all sit down to get just as much icing all over the table and ourselves as we do the cookies!

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And then here we have Matilda the Gingerbread Girl…..she thought she was hiding in my paper whites…..for now she is in protective custody do to being on the “Too cute to eat” list!

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And this one no one would have a chance to resist do to…

1. its a cookie

2. a 9 year old boy (my baby) made it

3. it is also posing as a mixture of melted ice cream with sprinkles!!! YUM!

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P.s.   WARNING… many cookies were harmed in the making of this blog post due to an overwhelming increase in appetites….

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Just a couple of my favorite Christmas ornaments on our tree…

Wishing anyone out there? a many blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year!



Great cookies! Hope you have had a wonderful Christmas!

Alicia said...

Thanks we had alot of fun making those cookies!!