Wednesday, April 7, 2010

BYe Bye Ol’ man WinTer..

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Better days are on their way……………

Baseball practice is in full swing..

Sunshine don’t fail me now…

My roses are once again covered in leaves..

Ready to go camping…again..done been once..woohoo!

Boys are wanting those plaid shorts…

Swimsuit season…yea right

Too tan or not to tan..that is the ?

I get freckles…do connecting freckles count as a tan?

I love freckles, not on myself of course, but  my son has lovely freckles..wana see? Of course you do!DSC_0781 copyy

Summer break is soooo close I can smell it!!

Hmm to study or not to study? that is what I’m suppose to be doing!

Once I start playing with pics, I just can’t stop!

Planning a summer BBQ hangin’ out kind of fun party..hmm how many to invite??

Looks like its gona that is, not for the BBQ party, that would be totally forbidden!!

Encourage someone today!!  Later!!

P.s. you lurkers that come here on occasion, in comments just saying HI ( yes I’m talking to YOU, yea YOU) (pointing my finger even though you cant see me I am, and I was taught not to point even though I do sometimes, and I tell my kids not to do it and yep they do to at times,but I don't recommend it) would tickle my fancy!! It would be fun to know what kind of folks are reading about our daily adventuress life…HA well ok maybe its not daily but on occasion we feel a BBQ party with a yard full of party hardy adults and screaming kids!! Wana come?

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