Monday, July 12, 2010

Violin concert…music to our ears

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We had our violin concert yesterday. What a blast…of nerves that is! And what fun.

Here is a couple of group shots of I’m in because hubby took the pic, the other I’m not in cause well I was manning the camera!

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Not in… as there was many not in..some had to leave right after the concert.

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Many of the adults not in the pic, I in this one though! We have so much fun in our little orchestra group!!

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Earlier in the week we went on a road trip to Hawn Park, nice place, but it sure would be a long way to pull the camper!!

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Its nice to be home for a while..this weekend had been crazy busy!

Friday-  violin practice, Went and seen Toy Story 3

Saturday- swimming, then BBQ to go too, then violin practice,  then watched truck pulls didn’t hear them though had fingers in ears!!

Sunday- church, violin practice, then the violin concert