Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ohh..No..I've Been Tagged!!! LOL

All right Debbie http://www.debbieschroeder.typepad.com
from cropaddict I see ya got me!! Yep this is my first tag. Kim I do beleive she beat ya to it!!

Here are the rules of tagging that I am supposed to follow:

1. Link to your tagger, and also post these rules on your blog. Check see above

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. See Below

3. Tag 7 people at the end of you post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. See Below

4. Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog. Done

My Seven Random Facts:

1. I'm 32 and have only ever had one job, and that was when I was like 14!!

2. For a year I was a vegetarian, this helped me loose weight, and changed my taste for foods that I like now.

3. I'm a huge list person, make list for everything, grocery, to do, ideas, I just love paper!! Hence the scrapbook addiction, ya think!! I could not be a tree hugger I love paper way too much!! Although I do love trees, we have bunches in our yard!!

4. I love to cook!! In another life I would have loved to be a chef, and maybe italian as well, why not!! LOL

5. I'm very compulsive!! If I get a idea for something I want to do it now!! Dont want to wait!!

6. Love John Travolta movies!! Disco days till now he is way hot!!! That man can cut a rug!! LOL

7. We have 3 boys, but I still love to look at the "girl" toys at WM. Barbies ect!!

My Taggers!!
Elsie Flannigan http://www.abeautifulmess.typepad.com/
Mara May http://mara-may.blogspot.com/
Martha http://mugsyboo.blogspot.com/
Nora Griffin http://noragriffin.typepad.com/ndg/
Valerie http://scrappinfuntime.blogspot.com/
Jenn http://jenniferbreault.blogspot.com/

I survived being tagged!!

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