Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of November

Hard to believe it is already the end of November. Thanksgiving is gone, Christmas already on its way. The end of another college semester for myself (as I start to prepare for finals). January will be the end of Bailey having a mouth full of gnarly crooked teeth. Time flies……how cliché is That!

Many ends are coming but where there is an end… leaves room for beginnings…. A few of my favorite pictures from 2010…DSC_4783 copy

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Ok I really have way to many favorites….

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Been busy  just now posting the boys first day of school pics. My camera is loaded full of pictures and I have just now started going through them. Pitiful..I know…


DSC_4477 copy DSC_4483 copy Tyler's first day in middle school. Now a big ol’ 6th grader!


Bye flip flop season…I'm gona miss you….DSC_4529 copy DSC_4679 copy DSC_4680 copy DSC_4681 copy Tyler Jarrell  2010  Tyler and Bailey at Wappapello Park DSC_4712 copy Wappapello Lake Fall 2010

Tonight headed to go see Hee Haw at the Rogers. Getting bonus points for one of my classes, for attending. Hope its  good…

Next Saturday going to go see the Nutcracker. I'm looking forward to that one, I know it will be good!

I have been staring at homework most of the day. I have a speech to give in class on Thursday, and a test in another class as well. The end of the semester is near, so the hw is piling on. And I'm trying to figure out when I am going to have a chance to study for the finals, as well as getting ready for the RN entrance exam in March!! NO pressure!!